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Would you like a job you can take to countries like Spain, Costa Rica and Vietnam?
If these scenarios resonate with you, then the exclusive Digital Nomad TEFL Package from ITA might just be your ticket to an extraordinary life. Imagine tapping into a global market of 1.5 billion English learners - teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) isn't just a booming industry in international education, it's your passport to a lifestyle of travel and flexibility. Thanks to the digital revolution and the surge in online education, you can now make teaching English your mobile career, opening doors to endless adventures virtually anywhere in the world.
Opt for ITA's Digital Nomad TEFL Package, and you'll be equipped with an unparalleled mix of top-quality training, support, and tools essential for thriving as an international English teacher and digital nomad in destinations such as Vietnam, Mexico, and Spain. And guess what? You don't need prior teaching experience or even a college degree to travel the world as a digital nomad!
Check out this video of ITA alums Matt and Perlie in India as they answer questions and experience the world as digital nomads:
Founded in 2010, International TEFL Academy (ITA) is a world leader in TEFL certification for teaching English abroad and teaching English online. ITA offers accredited TEFL certification classes online and in 20+ locations worldwide and has received multiple awards and widespread recognition as one of the best TEFL schools in the world. ITA provides all students and graduates with lifetime job search guidance and has certified more than 40,000 English teachers. Our graduates are currently teaching in 80 countries worldwide.
1. 170-Hour Online TEFL Certification Course
This award-winning standard TEFL certification will provide you with the skills and qualifications you need to be eligible for thousands of online and in-person English teaching jobs in up to 80 countries worldwide. READ MORE
2. Teaching English Online TEFL Specialty Course
Custom-designed by experts in TEFL and virtual education, this 2-week 30-hour course provides specialized training specifically in the field of Teaching English Online (TEO). Not only will you enhance your virtual teaching skills, you will gain a certificate that stands out to employers, and you will receive the resources and guidance your need to recruit students & navigate the international job market for teaching ESL online. READ MORE
3. Tutoring English TEFL Specialty Course
Private tutoring for English is a multi-billion dollar industry that provides excellent earning opportunities in nearly every country in the world. In this 30-hour, two-week online specialty course you will not only learn the nuances and best practices for giving private English lessons, you will also learn to build and grow your own private tutoring business. READ MORE
4. Lifetime Job Search Guidance
Every student and alumni of the International TEFL Academy's standard TEFL courses are granted an unparalleled, lifetime membership to a wealth of guidance and tools essential for securing English teaching positions both online and on-site across over 80 countries globally. This exclusive access encompasses tailored advice from seasoned advisors, a treasure trove of resources spanning hundreds of pages, practical how-to manuals, live & recorded webinars, detailed directories featuring contact information for over 20,000 educational institutions, and direct referrals to elite recruiters and prominent online educational companies. READ MORE
5. Access to Worldwide Alumni Community & Networks
With ITA's Digital Nomad TEFL Package, not only will you receive world-class training and access to the best job guidance in the field, you will also join an international community of 50,000 teachers and travelers. With our worldwide networks and graduates in 80 countries, you can connect with other ITA graduates to share knowledge, ask questions, arrange social get-togethers, share job tips, and even find a roommate!
What's the Pricing?
Total tuition for this exclusive bundle starts at $1,897, representing a bundle discount of $400 over standard tuition for these three courses (a total value of $2,297)!
1. Teach English online and take your job with you as you travel from country to country. As an online English teacher, you can work from anywhere in the world as long as you have a strong internet connection. READ MORE
2. Teach English Online & Take on Private Students for In-person Tutoring. In most countries, there are huge markets for in-person English language tutoring. In fact, most English teachers will take on private students at some point during their international teaching career. The pay is good and it's a great way to meet locals and get involved with your local community. Then, if you decide to move on to another country, you can continue to provide lessons virtually online. READ MORE
3. Teach English in Person and Teach English Online as a Side Gig. If you want to settle in a particular country for at least 6-12 months, you might consider getting a full-time or part-time English teaching job at a local school or language institute. In many countries, particularly in East Asia, even first-time teachers can receive benefits like housing & airfare and make enough salary to save 30%-50% of their salary. In addition, you can make even more income by teaching English online. READ MORE
Combining our 11-Week Online TEFL course, Teaching English Online, and Tutoring English Specialty Courses, the cost of this bundle starts at $1,897. WITH A TOTAL VALUE OF $2,297, YOU SAVE AT LEAST $400 WITH THIS EXCLUSIVE PACKAGE.
Now available: Payment plans. Easily pay for your online TEFL course in multiple installments. However, you will receive a $50 discount by paying in full upfront.
Before enrolling in any International TEFL Academy courses, we recommend that you speak with an advisor who will answer your questions; review your employment prospects for teaching English abroad; and assist you with the enrollment process.
We strongly recommend enrolling in your 11-week online TEFL course at least 2-3 weeks in advance. We also invite you to read our how-to-enroll guide, our registration procedure and terms & conditions. Note that all students will be charged a small processing fee per course/program purchased.
You can teach English online from virtually any country on earth, as long as you have a strong internet connection. So where you teach is really up to you. While each country is different, in most nations, you can stay for at least 1-3 months on a tourist visa.
One thing to bear in mind is that online English teachers are typically paid in US dollars, which have increased purchasing power in countries with a lower cost of living. This includes many nations in Latin America like Mexico, Costa Rica, and Peru, as well as Southeast Asia countries like Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
READ MORE: 10 Best Locations for Digital Nomad Online English Teachers
Most first-time English teachers will make $10-$20 an hour teaching English online or giving private lessons, but depending on the market where you teach and your level of experience, you can make $30-$50 an hour or even more.
While this may not seem like much, it's important to remember that in many countries, the cost of living is much lower than it is in the U.S., so it's very manageable to live comfortably on such an income. Also, if you decide to take a local job at a school or language institute, you can earn even more and receive benefits. In South Korea, for example, first-time English teachers receive benefits like free housing, airfare & paid vacation.
If you are teaching English online, you will likely get hired by one or more online education companies. Many such companies advertise on major international education job boards, or you may be able to apply directly through their website. You can also market yourself directly to students as an independent contractor.
Similarly, if you want to engage in private tutoring, you will need to market yourself directly to students, or you may get hired by a local language school to give private or group lessons.
If you enroll in the Digital Nomad TEFL Package, you will receive access to guidance and resources you need to navigate the hiring process. In addition, the courses in this package will provide guidance with how to set up your business as a tutor and/or online English teacher.
The visa(s) you will need to work abroad as a digital nomad will vary based on where you want to teach and for how long. In many countries, you can stay and work online as an English country simply on a tourist visa for 1-3 months.
Many nations have actually created unique "digital nomad visas" specifically for virtual nomads who want to live and work. Some of these visas are applicable for digital nomad English teachers. In other cases, they are not. You will need to research how visas work in the particular countries where you want to live, work, and travel as a digital nomad.
If you decide to seek full-time employment at a bricks and mortar school, very often your employment will enable you to gain a long-term work visa that enables you to stay in the country longer than on a typical tourist visa. Also, in some countries like Spain, you can enroll in specific language and culture courses that qualify you for a student visa that enables you to live and work longer.
NO! You do not need a degree in education or previous teaching experience to teach English abroad or online or to live the digital nomad lifestyle that you seek.
The TEFL courses in this package will provide you with the training, skills, and qualifications you need to get hired as an English teacher online or abroad in dozens of countries worldwide.
READ MORE: Do I Need Previous Teaching Experience to Teach English Abroad?
Got questions or want to sign up?
Please call 773-634-9900 or fill out a contact form below.
IMPORTANT! Before enrolling for any International TEFL Academy TEFL course or offering, it is imperative that you speak to an Admissions Advisor.
Your advisor will answer your questions and assist you with matters such as your eligibility & enrollment; course costs & logistics (such as housing); and your options for employment as an English teacher once you complete your TEFL Course.
To speak with an advisor, please call 773-634-9900 or fill out a contact form.
Full-time/Part-time 💻
ITA offers two Online TEFL Courses that are taught by expert professors & incorporate live practice teaching. These 2 courses enable you to get certified at home in just 4 weeks, or in 11 weeks while working full-time or going to school.
4-Week, Full-Time 🏫
International TEFL Academy offers accredited TEFL certification 4-week courses in 23 locations worldwide.
OFQUAL, Level 5
All ITA TEFL courses meet or exceed international standards for professional-level TEFL certification and are internationally accredited. Our certifications are recognized worldwide & our graduates are teaching English in 80 countries.
Lifetime Assistance
All ITA students & graduates receive lifetime Job Search Guidance to gain employment teaching English in up to 80 countries worldwide, including personal guidance from experienced advisors.
Wondering how to teach English to adults? Try teaching English online! Here are 11 companies that hire people […]
Want to teach English online but not a native English speaker? Here are 6 companies that hire for non native English […]
If you're a TEFL-certified teacher over 40 and looking to teach English online, we discuss the eight best companies […]
Learn about how much you can make teaching English online, the average online ESL teacher salary, and where to find the […]
Visit the Spain section of our blog & our video library for more stories by our alumni about their experiences teaching English in Spain.
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Suite 100, Chicago, IL 60613
Local 773-634-9900
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