12 Insider Tips for Teaching English in Prague & The Czech Republic
International TEFL Academy (ITA) advisor Britton Schaude draws upon his experience as an English teacher in Prague and shares his insight on getting a job teaching English in the Czech Republic.
Written By: Britton Schaude | Updated: June 29, 2023
Written By: Britton Schaude
Updated: June 29, 2023

From discovering the hidden gems of Prague to understanding the unique cultural nuances, let me invite you to embark on an unforgettable adventure as you unlock the secrets to becoming an exceptional English teacher in the heart of Central Europe.
This compilation of insider tips will equip you with the knowledge and know-how to thrive in your teaching journey in the Czech Republic.
12 Tips to Help You Teach English in Prague & in the Czech Republic
1. TEFL Certification is Key
The first thing you will need is a professional TEFL certification to be considered for an English teaching job in the Czech Republic. You don't need to have prior teaching experience or a degree in education to teach in the Czech Republic, but a TEFL certification will provide you with the skills and qualifications you need to get hired.
International TEFL Academy offers a TEFL class in Prague, Czech Republic in addition to Online TEFL Classes & TEFL Classes in 20+ locations worldwide.
2. Speak with an Expert Advisor at International TEFL Academy
Before you even decide if TEFL certification and teaching English in the Czech Republic is right for you, speak with an advisor to get all of your initial questions and concerns answered. They will be able to go over all of your options in regard to TEFL certification and teaching English in the Czech Republic.
You can get in touch with an advisor by filling out a form to request a free brochure or by calling our offices at 773-634-9900.
3. Go to the Czech Republic
While it's possible to line up a job in advance in some cases, the vast majority of language schools interview and hire new English teachers locally in the Czech Republic. Each year, thousands of foreign English teachers across the Czech Republic leave their jobs, creating a strong demand for new teachers.
The prospect of going to the Czech Republic to interview without having a job lined up before you leave home may seem daunting, but every year virtually every International TEFL Academy graduate who goes to the Czech Republic to interview during major hiring seasons gets hired. Why? Because the jobs are there, but you need to take initiative, be well prepared and go to the Czech Republic to get hired as an English teacher.
4. Consider Private Tutoring
To make money right away, start marketing yourself as a private tutor and/or teaching English online immediately.
There is a big demand for private tutors, and you can typically charge more per hour than what your school will pay you. Private tutoring is a great way to earn extra money. We recommend posting notices on bulletin boards in and around major universities as well as cafes and other highly trafficked areas. You may also consider posting ads in local publications, and word of mouth can be key, so ask friends and acquaintances if they know anybody in search of private English lessons.
5. Understanding Hiring Seasons is Critical
We highly recommend arriving in time to interview when recruiting is heaviest from mid-September into early October. A second major hiring period begins in the second week of January and runs for several weeks.
Read more: How Much Do English Teachers Make in the Czech Republic?
6. Go to the Largest Cities
Prague is the biggest job market in the Czech Republic by far and we recommend it as the best place to begin your job search. Brno is the second biggest city in the CZ and another great job market!
7. Get a Local Phone Number
As soon as you arrive, get a local phone with a local number, and make sure to include the number on your resume and in all correspondence with schools. Vodafone is one of the largest local providers.
8. Teach English Online
Whether you teach English in the Czech Republic or elsewhere, you can always increase your earnings and get a head start of setting up paid teaching hours by Teaching English Online. With demand for online English language instruction skyrocketing worldwide, teaching English online provides TEFL-certified teachers with opportunities to earn extra pay at virtually any time from anywhere in the world.
Most teachers are able to make at least $10-$20 (USD) an hour & hours are very flexible. Another key advantage is that you can begin teaching and making money before you even head abroad, which is great for covering the start-up costs of your move and ensuring that you can have an income pretty much right away when you get to the Czech Republic.
To learn more, check out How to teach English Online in 5 steps.
9. Know Your Visa Options
The Zivnostensky (aka the "Zivno") visa (Business Visa/Trade License) is highly recommended for teachers to receive as it allows you to work legally at any school in the Czech Republic without having to depend on the school to sponsor it for you. International TEFL Academy works with a company in the Czech Republic called Visa Guru that is very happy to help our students through the process.
Read more: How Can Americans Get a Visa for Teaching English in the Czech Republic
10. Get Your Finances in Order
Arrive with the appropriate financial resources to cover start-up costs. Most schools in the Czech Republic pay teachers once every four weeks so even if you start working right away, you will not receive a paycheck for another month. It is best to bring enough money - usually the equivalent of $2,500-$4,500 - to support yourself for the first six weeks after you arrive while you interview, begin working and get settled in with accommodations.
If you do not have accommodations lined up such as family or friends, plan on spending your first month in a hostel or some other budget-friendly accommodations. Use resources such as Lonely Planet guides to find such venues.
11. Use Resources
Use resources like www.eslbase.com/schools/czech-republic and www.expats.cz to locate schools in the area where you seek to work (students and graduates of International TEFL Academy courses will receive contact information for hundreds of schools in the Czech Republic and thousands of schools around the world as part of their lifetime job search guidance).
12. Clean up Your Social Media Accounts
As in the United States or Canada, potential employers in the Czech Republic & Europe may take a peek at your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. When they do, the first thing you want them to see is not a picture of you doing keg stands during spring break or posts boasting of your late-night exploits. Also, set up a professional profile at LinkedIn and get your friends, colleagues, professors, and others to "endorse" you in areas like "education," "TEFL," & "ESL."
Final tips:
- Bring your TEFL certification and sample lesson plans to interviews, and be prepared to possibly teach a mock lesson as a demonstration.
- When you interview and go through the hiring process, expect to begin teaching immediately after you are offered a job. Schools typically recruit & interview when they have an immediate need for a teacher.
- Try to meet other local English teachers and learn as much as you can from them about the local job market. A great resource for International TEFL Academy students and graduates is the Czech Republic Alumni Facebook Group, where ITA alumni can network, ask questions, share tips and even arrange social meet-ups.
- Do not hesitate to take one or more part-time jobs to start, it is common to hold two part-time jobs and it's a good way to meet more people and network.
Posted In: Teach English in Czech Republic, Teach English in Europe, Czech Republic TEFL Class, Teach English in Czech Republic Must Read
Britton Schaude
California-born, Minnesota-raised - so needless to say Britton is super chill and way too nice. He went abroad for the first time ever to teach English in the Czech Republic before joining International TEFL Academy in 2017 as an admissions advisor helping others achieve their goals of living abroad and teaching English overseas.
Want to Learn More About Teaching English Abroad & Online?
Request a free brochure or call 773-634-9900 to speak with an expert advisor about all aspects of TEFL certification and teaching English abroad or online, including the hiring process, salaries, visas, TEFL class options, job placement assistance and more.
"I chose ITA because it was highly recommended. From the first moment of contact, I felt supported by my advisor and had no doubt that they would provide me all the information and help I needed."

- Cassondra Lopez
Teaches English in the Czech Republic