How Much Do English Teachers Make in the Czech Republic?
Learn how much money you can make as a TEFL-certified teacher in the Czech Republic across various job types and explore recommended start-up costs and cost of living expenses.
Written By: Lynda Galea | Updated: June 29, 2023
Written By: Lynda Galea
Updated: June 29, 2023

Known as a nation of castles, poets, and beer, the Czech Republic provides a quintessential blend of classic and modern Europe. It represents one of the fastest-growing job markets for teaching English in the region due to its low cost of living, accessibility to the rest of Europe, fantastic healthcare system, low crime rate, and a thriving social scene with plenty of outdoor activities for one to enjoy.
In this article, we explore how much money you can make teaching English in the Czech Republic and the expenses you will need to consider both in terms of start-up costs and your monthly cost of living.
Salaries for Teaching English in the Czech Republic
There are several different teaching opportunities available for TEFL-certified teachers in the Czech Republic. ESL (English as a second language) teachers who ultimately spend time teaching English in the Czech Republic do so via one of the following avenues:
- Teaching English at a private language school while on a Zivno business visa;
- Private tutoring both adults or children while on a Zivno business visa;
- Teaching English online while on a Zivno business visa;
- A combination of any of the above options.
Your salary will fluctuate depending on which teaching route you choose to pursue. On average, English teachers in the Czech Republic can expect to make anywhere between $1,000 - $1,500 USD (23,000 - 34,000 CZK) per month from working at a private language school with the option to earn additional income through private tutoring ($11-15 USD (250 - 350 CZK) per hour) and teaching English online ($5-$20 USD per hour).
Let's explore each option and what you can expect to earn from them:
1. Czech Republic Private Language School Salaries
Teaching at private language schools is amongst the most popular job type available for ESL teachers in the Czech Republic. Pay will fluctuate depending on where you are located, with teachers in larger cities like Prague earning more than those teaching in smaller cities and towns. English teachers working at a private language school in the Czech Republic can expect to make anywhere between $1,000 - $1,500 USD (23,000 - 34,000 CZK) per month.
Zivnostensky Business Visa for Teaching English in the Czech Republic
The most common visa type for American and other non-E.U. citizens wanting to teach English in the Czech Republic is the Zivnostensky Visa (Business Visa/Trade License). This visa is highly recommended for teachers to receive as it allows you to work legally at any school in the Czech Republic (or as a private tutor) without having to depend on the school to sponsor it for you. Typically, to receive this type of visa, the teacher will need to work with a Relocation Service or Visa Help Service in the Czech Republic; paperwork and applications can be obtained from government Zivnostensky offices. Visa assistance services can cost up to 1,000 euros for the teacher. It is recommended to start the process at least a few weeks before you are looking to be in the Czech Republic.
Additional Reading: Can Americans Get a Work Visa to Teach English in the Czech Republic?
2. Czech Republic Private English Tutoring Salaries
Private tutoring ESL students is extremely common amongst English teachers in the Czech Republic. Teachers that choose this route are often:
- Teaching English in the Czech Republic at a private language school and taking on some private tutoring students to help supplement their income;
- Teaching English online and seeking supplemental income by privately tutoring students in addition to their online teaching job.
- Solely choose to only take on private tutoring clients. The Zivno visa gives them the freedom to do this as they're not dependent on a school to provide sponsorship.
Getting clients for private lessons is a marketing exercise, and all the avenues that seem appropriate to your circumstances have to be explored. Here are some ways you can market yourself:
- Post notices in schools and universities, coffee shops, supermarkets, or corner shops;
- Run an advertisement in the local paper;
- Send notices to local public schools, announcing your willingness to work with local students on their English;
- Compile a list of addresses of professionals (lawyers, architects, etc.) who may need English for their work and have the resources to pay for it and then contact them;
- Call on export businesses, distribution companies, perhaps even travel agencies;
- Get ESL business cards made before you leave your home country that has your name, email address, and phone number on them.
How much money can I make private tutoring ESL students in the Czech Republic?
As a private ESL tutor in the Czech Republic, you should expect to charge and make around $11-15 USD (250 - 350 CZK) per hour for one-on-one lessons. If you are providing private tutoring lessons for small groups (2-3 students at a time), it's possible to charge a total of up to $18 USD (400CZK) per hour.
Something to keep in mind - a student may only be after a single private tutoring lesson, or a handful, and can withdraw from their lessons with you at any time. As a result, you should be cautious when trying to budget your private tutoring income too far into the future.
3. Czech Republic Teaching English Online Salaries
Like private ESL tutoring, teaching English online is an extremely popular way for teachers to make money. Many ESL teachers in the Czech Republic teach online as their sole job and income, while others do it to supplement the income they earn from teaching at a school or from private tutoring.
Teaching English online provides TEFL-certified teachers with the opportunity to make money from the comfort of their own home, with most teachers being able to make anywhere from $5-$20 USD per hour. Hours are flexible and it is up to you how much or how little you teach - you are in total control of your schedule.
A key advantage of teaching online is that you can begin teaching and making money before you move to the Czech Republic. This is a great way to help cover the start-up costs of your move and will ensure that you have an income immediately upon your arrival to the Czech Republic.
Additional Reading: To learn more about how much you can earn from online ESL teaching, please read How Much Money Can I Make Teaching English Online? Need help finding an online teaching platform? Check out Non-Chinese ESL Companies to Teach English Online With.
Expenses for Teaching English in the Czech Republic
There are two categories of expenses that need to be taken into consideration for those looking to teach English in the Czech Republic:
- Start-up costs
- Cost of living
Let's explore each of the two in more detail.
1. Start-Up Costs for Teaching English in the Czech Republic
Start-up costs are expenses you will incur from your arrival in the Czech Republic until you receive your first paycheck and may include things like a security deposit and first month's rent, apartment supplies, transport, groceries, getting your new local cell phone number set up, etc.
Start-up costs should be enough to cover your first month of living in the Czech Republic and will range somewhere between $2,400 and $4,500 USD. This is the minimum amount of savings you should have on hand before leaving home and arriving in the Czech Republic. If you have more, great, but if you have less, you may be setting yourself up for failure from the get-go which can cause unnecessary added stress during an already stressful period of adaption and change. While this amount may seem like a lot, keep in mind that you cannot get a Zivno visa without first having an apartment and proving residency. This means you will need to take care of these up-front expenses (like a rent deposit and first month's rent, visa assistance service fees, etc) before you can get your Zivno visa and start earning an income.
2. Cost of Living for Teaching English in the Czech Republic
Cost of living refers to everyday monthly expenses you will incur during your time in the Czech Republic. The most popular expenses that fall under this category include:
- Monthly rent expenses
- Utilities (electricity, gas, water bills, etc)
- Food and grocery expenses
- Health insurance
- Internet bill
- Cell phone bill
- Transportation (transit card, ride-sharing services, etc)
- Travel/entertainment expenses
- Social taxes (specific to the Czech Republic)
Your cost of living expenses can vary drastically based on where in the Czech Republic you are based. For example, those living in larger cities like Prague can expect to have a higher cost of living compared to those located in smaller cities or towns. As a general rule of thumb, you should budget $800 - $1,600 USD (18,000 - 37,000 CZK) per month to cover your cost of living.
The Czech Republic is very much a break-even country, meaning you can cover your rent and bills, support yourself, live comfortably, and enjoy your life abroad to the fullest, but you shouldn't expect to save money at the end of each month. If you are hustling and taking on private tutoring lessons and/or teaching English online in addition to your regular teaching schedule, you may increase your ability to save and come out on top at the end of each month.
Cost of Living Comparisons in Prague, Czech Republic
To provide a clearer picture of what the monthly cost of living may look like in Prague, here are the expense breakdowns of some of our International TEFL Academy (ITA) alumni that have lived in or are currently living and teaching English in Prague, Czech Republic.
Please note: These snapshots should be used as an example and not an exact representation of what your expenses will look like. Everyone lives a different lifestyle and what is a necessity to one person, may not be to another.
Prague, Czech Republic Cost of Living
1. This monthly expense breakdown comes from ITA alumna, Mary-Kate Murphy. Mary-Kate works at a private language school in Prague teaching children.
Note: 1 CZK is equal to $1.13 USD.
Bonus: Want to check out what a day in Mary-Kate's life is like teaching English in Prague? Watch her video.
2. This monthly expense breakdown comes from ITA alumna, Jessica Diesta. Jessica taught English at a private language school in Prague as well as online with VIPKID. In her breakdown below, she has only included her language school income.
Note: Jessica was teaching with VIPKID before they had to cease their operations within the young learner market in China.
Bonus: Want to check out what a day in Jessica's life was like teaching English in Prague? Watch her video.
3. This monthly expense breakdown comes from ITA alumni couple, Chris and Shelby. Shelby works at a language school in Prague while Chris teaches English online.
Bonus: Want to check out what a day in Chris and Shelby's life looks like teaching English in Prague? Watch their video.
4. This monthly expense breakdown comes from ITA alumni friends Katie Gettys and MaryAlice Skidmore. Katie taught at a language school and MaryAlice privately tutored students as well as taught English online.
Bonus: Want to check out what a day in Katie and MaryAlice's life looked like teaching English in Prague? Watch their video .
Go further:
- Requirements for teaching English in the Czech Republic
- Top 5 countries to make the most money teaching English abroad
Posted In: Teach English in Czech Republic, Teach English in Europe, Teach English in Czech Republic Must Read
Lynda Galea
An accomplished traveler (she's visited 40 countries!), Lynda hails from Melbourne, Australia. Since she joined ITA in 2017, Lynda has become a primary expert on the field of teaching English online. Not only has she published numerous articles on the topic herself, but she has worked with International TEFL Academy alumni around the world to produce an entire library of information and content about teaching English online. Lynda also serves as a primary organizer of ITA's ground-breaking Teach Abroad Film Festival.
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"I chose ITA because it was highly recommended. From the first moment of contact, I felt supported by my advisor and had no doubt that they would provide me all the information and help I needed."

- Cassondra Lopez
Teaches English in the Czech Republic