Teach English in Africa: Teaching Abroad Programs & TEFL Jobs in Africa
Find out about paid positions and volunteer opportunities for teaching English in Africa.
Written By: Doug Waxman | Updated: June 29, 2023
Written By: Doug Waxman
Updated: June 29, 2023

From the colorful souks in Morocco to the ancient pyramids of Egypt, to the amazing wildlife in Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa, Africa is one of the most exciting places to visit in the world. For those looking for English teaching jobs in Africa, there are opportunities, you just have to know where to find them & you may need to be more flexible & patient in your job search.
Are There English Teaching Jobs in Africa?
Yes, there are TEFL jobs in Africa although not as many as in some other regions of the world like in Asia, Europe & Latin America.
How can I Teach English as a Foreign Language in Africa?
A fluent or native English speaker with an accredited TEFL Certification from International TEFL Academy can realistically find great opportunities to teach English in Africa.
It is important to know which nations on this amazing continent have opportunities for foreign teachers as well as an understanding of the differences in salary in each country to make sure teaching English in Africa will be a good fit for you.
Read more: The requirements to teach English abroad
Paid Teaching Positions in Africa
Which African Countries Need English Teachers?
Most opportunities in Africa for paid professional teaching positions are going to be in Northern Africa and the Middle East. There are many opportunities in Morocco, Egypt, and Tunisia where teachers can find paid teaching opportunities in private language academies, bilingual & international schools, and also in private tutoring.
Many schools in these nations will hire in advance through phone/or skype interviews and some will prefer to recruit & meet face-to-face before hiring. International TEFL Academy provides lifetime job search guidance to all students and graduates to make sure they are successful in their journey as international English teachers.
You can read some firsthand accounts & blogs from International TEFL Academy teachers in Northern Africa here:
- Teaching English in Cairo, Egypt: Q and A with Blake Edwards
- Sousse, Tunisia English Teaching Q and A with Erin Gold
- Tunis, Tunisia English Teaching Q and A with Adam Lucente
- Tunis, Tunisia English Teaching Q and A with Trevor Crosby
- Tetouan, Morocco English Teaching Q and A with Kathryn Stout
Teaching English in Sub-Saharan Africa
In other African countries, paid teaching positions where teachers can make enough money to support themselves can be few and far between. That's not to say that it is impossible to teach English in countries like Tanzania, Cameroon or Senegal - there are some language institutes & international schools, but there are just far fewer open positions - especially that pay decent salaries - compared to other regions of the world like Asia, where demand for English teachers can sometimes seem limitless.
It may take knowing someone on the ground, exceptional networking skills, and/or sheer luck to be able to break into paid teaching jobs at language schools or universities in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Additionally, there are many positions available in South Africa, but they are mainly looking to hire native English speakers from South Africa or those who already have the ability to work legally in the country so this can be quite difficult for American citizens.
Volunteer Opportunities in Africa
If you are looking to teach English in Sub-Saharan Africa, volunteering can be an unbelievably rewarding and life-changing experience and a great way to get you there! There is a need for English education in this region and many children and families simply cannot afford to pay foreign English teachers.
Throughout countries like Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Botswana, and Mozambique, there are many organizations (including the Peace Corps for Americans) that offer amazing volunteer opportunities to teach English and give back to local communities.
International TEFL Academy has resources for volunteer positions worldwide as part of their job resources abroad and assists many TEFL graduates who are looking for short or long-term volunteering opportunities in Africa.
Obtaining your TEFL Certification is a great way to prepare yourself for teaching English as well as becoming a part of ITA’s extensive alumni network and lifetime resources for teaching positions worldwide.
Doug Waxman
Since 2008, ITA Advisor, Doug Waxman has helped more than 1,000 people gain their TEFL certification and see the world through teaching English abroad. A native of St. Louis (and an avid Cardinals fan), Doug has worked, traveled, and studied extensively in Australia and Israel, and he recently returned from an extended trip in China, where he met with language schools and caught up with International TEFL Academy alumni teaching throughout the region.
Want to Learn More About Teaching English Abroad & Online?
Request a free brochure or call 773-634-9900 to speak with an expert advisor about all aspects of TEFL certification and teaching English abroad or online, including the hiring process, salaries, visas, TEFL class options, job placement assistance and more.