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No Degree, No Problem: The 6 Best Countries to Teach English Without a Degree

Find out where in the world you can teach English without a degree and learn about 6 top destinations for TEFL jobs when you have no degree.

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Considering the overwhelming number of possible places to teach English overseas, it’s inevitable that each country will require different qualifications for English instructors. Because of visa requirements or government restrictions, certain countries may require that English teachers hold a four-year degree. However, if you don't have a degree, do not let this deter you.

Teach English Abroad with No degree

According to our count, there are dozens of countries throughout the world where you can live and explore while teaching English, even without a university degree. ESL jobs that don't require a degree are plentiful if you know which countries to look for work in.

Sounds great, right? Let's start by addressing a few questions:

Can I Teach English Abroad without a Degree?

You can teach English abroad without a degree in many countries. Having an accredited TEFL certification is all you need to teach English in various South American destinations, as well as in select parts of Europe and Asia, where a 4-year degree is not mandatory.

Can I Teach English Abroad with an Associate's Degree?

With an associate's degree and a TEFL certification, you can teach English abroad in more than 50 countries, from Costa Rica to Taiwan. Some countries like South Korea and Japan require a 4-year degree, but you still have many options.

Can I Teach English Abroad with Just a TEFL Certificate?

In many countries, having a TEFL certificate and being a native-English speaker is enough to get a job teaching English abroad. You do not need professional teaching experience, a teaching license, a degree in education, or even a college degree to teach English abroad.

How to Teach English Abroad without a Degree

The key to teaching English abroad without a degree is to take a high-quality TEFL certification course that will provide you with the skills and qualifications you need to get hired to teach English abroad or to teach English online. A quality TEFL course provider will also provide the job guidance and alumni support you need to find a great job.

Now that we've answered some of your questions, let's take a look at these top destinations:

Where Can You Teach English Without a Degree?

Countries That Do Not Require a Degree to Teach English Abroad

The best countries for where to teach English abroad without a college degree are Cambodia, Costa Rica, Spain, Argentina, Mexico and Myanmar. These countries do not require a college degree to teach in, and are popular among TEFL teachers. Luckily they are also countries where English teachers are in high demand.

Read more: What are the Basic Requirements to Teach English Abroad?

Let's take a look at these countries in detail:

1. Cambodia

Characterized by an extremely tropical climate, Cambodia is home to a growing population eager to learn English. Known for having some of the friendliest and warmest people despite a very recent and tragic history, Cambodians welcome teachers looking for an adventure. While underdeveloped compared to its neighbors Thailand and Vietnam, there is a demand for English teachers, especially in the capital city of Phnom Penh and even the touristy city of Siem Reap, the location of the famous Angkor Wat.

Native English speakers can work teaching English in Cambodia without a college degree very easily. Language schools throughout the country prefer a degree but with more students learning English in Cambodia each year, and most teachers overlooking Cambodia and going to Thailand or Vietnam instead, schools need native English teachers.

Teachers can even expect to save a bit of money due to the low cost of living and high salaries. History, beaches, beautiful and friendly people - Cambodia truly is a hidden gem of Southeast Asia for those looking for jobs teaching English abroad without a degree!

Read More:

Watch More: Teaching English in Phnom Penh, Cambodia with MaShayla Hern

an ESL teacher without a degree and her students in Cambodia

2. Costa Rica

Known for its stunning natural beauty and alluring tropical climate, Costa Rica is one of the hottest job markets for English teachers in Latin America. Costa Rica offers a super authentic Latin American experience and a perfect opportunity to learn Spanish. With a low cost of living, Costa Rica is also a popular option for English teachers who want to live abroad and teach English online.

Fantastic beaches, stunning volcanoes, and lush rainforests are never far away. When asking yourself "where can I teach English without a degree?'", do consider Costa Rica as a serious option. Additionally, you may even consider earning your TEFL certificate at ITA Costa Rica in Heredia.

Read More:

Watch More: Teaching English in Brasilito, Costa Rica with Courtney Hall

an English teacher with no degree and her students in Costa Rica

3. Spain

As popular a destination as ever, the English teaching market in Spain remains relentlessly strong and just as appealing despite fluctuations in the global economy. If you're interested in Europe, teaching English in Spain is one of the best choices if you don’t have a college degree. The Spanish population is eager to learn English, considering its reigning title as the language of business, tourism, and education. There is an astonishing variety of English schools throughout Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Valencia.

Spain is one of the most diverse and stunning countries in all of Europe. By living like a local amongst the Spaniards, you’ll have the opportunity to explore restaurants, bars, and museums off the beaten tourist trail as well.

Read More: Spain TEFL Country Profile

Watch More: Teaching English in Barcelona, Spain with Daniella Mazzeo

English teacher without a degree and his tutoring student in Spain

4. Argentina

A beautiful country in South America, Argentina holds a huge demand for English teachers. Thousands of positions are scattered throughout the country, with openings in schools everywhere from urban Buenos Aires to the bucolic and mountainous countryside. Argentina’s climate is warm and moderate, making it ideal for anyone.

Schools across the country - whether you want to work with children, students, or business professionals, in Buenos Aires, Mendoza or Cordoba - do their hiring in the early spring or at the end of the summer. The best part? Native speakers need only a TEFL certification to find a high-paying teaching job in Argentina.

With a stable, prosperous economy, and an increasingly important role in international politics, the stage is set for you to discover this exciting and growing South American nation while teaching English without a degree.

ITA grad Adrienne Glenn - Teaching English in Argentina review"For those of you that have concerns about teaching without a degree, let those go. (...) There are a couple of wonderful continents where you can spread your knowledge and help guide people through their language education. There are many positions in so many places."

- ITA alumna Adrienne Glenn - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Read More: Argentina TEFL Country Profile

Watch More: Teaching English in Buenos Aires, Argentina with Adrienne Glenn

TEFL no degree

5. Mexico

English comprehension and fluency are in high demand throughout Mexico. The potential for employment is high wherever you may wish to teach. Mexico City is one of the easiest places to find work teaching English without a college degree, simply because there are so many people interested in learning the language- from school children to university students and businessmen.

Due to the incredible need for English teachers in Mexico, the government recently passed a law to give work permits to teachers as long as they hold a professional-level TEFL certification and can speak English fluently regardless of degree status.  Explore Mexico as most gringos rarely see it - take the time to travel everywhere from quaint coastal villages to the urban centers of Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Puebla.

Read More: Mexico TEFL Country Profile

Watch More: Teaching English in Colima, Mexico with Fallon Mawhinney

English teacher in Mexico and his students

6. Myanmar

If you seek the adventure of teaching English in a country off the beaten path, Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) provides the opportunity of a lifetime. Bordered primarily by India, Thailand, and China, this ancient Southeast Asian nation had been closed off from the outside world culturally and economically for decades but has recently reopened to international travel and commerce. This has created a growing demand for English language instruction. Like Cambodia, Myanmar has looser hiring requirements than some other Asian nations, making it easier for those without a college degree to get hired. There 

Myanmar is less economically developed than some more famous TEFL job markets in Asia. First-time English teachers typically earn the equivalent of $700-$1000 a month, which may not seem like much, but due to the low cost of living, most teachers can save up to 20% of their income each month after expenses, which is excellent for extra travel. Also, there are plenty of opportunities for upward mobility - including raises and promotions - for those who stay on for more than just one year.

Those who venture to teach English in Myanmar will encounter a beautiful nation steeped in history and culture. From bustling city markets and subtropical beaches to some of the world's largest and most ancient Buddhist temples, Myanmar offers an opportunity to explore a beautiful country that is one of few left untouched by mass tourism, chain restaurants, and rampant commercialism.

International TEFL Academy is proud to offer exclusive opportunities for those looking to teach ESL in Myanmar. 

Read More: Myanmar TEFL Country Profile

view of Myanmar

In all of these countries, as well as many others throughout the world, it’s possible to find a job teaching English overseas without a bachelor’s degree. By enrolling in a TEFL certification course and receiving lifetime job search guidance from ITA, you’ll gain valuable, practical knowledge that can immediately be used to further your goal to teach and travel.

Your next step: 

Contact the International TEFL Academy to request a FREE brochure and learn about TEFL training courses with a comparison of the most popular countries to teach English throughout the world.


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