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I have taught the Online TEFL/TESOL Certification Course since December 2017.
I received my
My abroad experience started with teaching English in Spain in July of 2011. I began by teaching adults in Barcelona after completing my CELTA. Then, I accepted a Ministry of Education yearlong appointment in a K-12 setting outside of Madrid and returned to the states in the fall of 2012 to begin my graduate degree. In the summer of 2013, I was able to spend a semester teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in Dresden, Germany, as well as assist in technical college courses and K-12 classes.
Spain, France, Ireland, Scotland, England, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway Canada, and Mexico.
One of my best memories was attending La Tomatina in Buñol, Spain. We boarded a bus from Barcelona in the middle of the night to join the masses at the world’s largest tomato fight. Once there bright and early, everyone geared up and started passing the sangria. Phones went into plastic baggies and goggles circulated the group. There were thousands of people jammed into a tiny roadway. The festivities begin with a pole climb – people in the crowd try to climb a giant greased pole to reach the leg of ham at the top. Then, the tomato trucks came. After a good 30 minutes of getting pummeled by tomatoes thrown by random strangers, the masses make their way toward the river to clean off. Locals came out and started housing people down. The party continued despite the slightly red-tinted on-goers.
Be organized, patient, and open. Not only do you need to be organized as a teacher, but you will find that the more you know before you go, the better off you will be. Practice patience and be prepared for roadblocks. In many places, you cannot go into an office and walk out with the paper or declaration that you need. Embrace the process and trust that it will all work out. Lastly, be open to new experiences both in and out of the classroom. Naturally, you might want to make only English-speaking friends or stay in at night, but put yourself outside of your comfort zone! You will make the most out of your experience this way.
Meet The Rest of The ITA Crew
Meet the ITA staff who has lived, traveled, and/or taught abroad and online extensively. We've been in your shoes so you can do it too.
All of our Course instructors possess advanced degrees (Masters Degrees, PhD's or the equivalent) and at least 10 years of teaching & training experience.
Before enrolling in a course, all students are provided with one-on-one pre-enrollment advice from expert advisors to determine how they can realistically achieve their goals of working as professional English teachers abroad & online.
Following enrollment, students receive lifetime job search guidance through the Student Affairs Department to assist them in navigating the international job market, gaining employment, and preparing to travel and live abroad.
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