Lynn Grantz | Online TEFL Course Instructor

Lynn Grantz | Online TEFL Course Instructor

What classes do you teach at International TEFL Academy?

I teach the Online TEFL Certification Course and have been with ITA since July, 2020.

What is your educational background?

  • MA in TESOL from Ball State University

  • BS in Health Sciences from Purdue University

Where have you taught?

Abroad: Yemen, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Georgia, Azerbaijan.

USA: Ball State University Intensive English Institute, Interlink Language Center, Valparaiso University (MA TESOL program), Lumenus Language Program (ESL Director)

What countries have you visited?

Yemen, Jordan, Israel, Thailand, India, Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Republic of Georgia, Mexico, Ireland, England, Scottland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Austria, and Switzerland.

What is your favorite travel memory?

Sitting at an outdoor cafe in front of a lovely blue-tiled open-air pool, surrounded by trees, flowers, and a blue-tiled madrassa in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. While I sat drinking tea out of a beautiful tulip-shaped glass, young boys took turns jumping out of a tree into the pool, and close by a small group was shooting a Tadjik folk music video, with young girls dancing in Tadjik dresses while musicians played behind them. It was a lovely, peaceful afternoon!

What advice do you have for ITA students who want to teach English abroad?

Be extremely flexible and go with the flow. Don’t expect things to go the way they are supposed to - your classes might change, your room is suddenly assigned to someone else, things may start 20 minutes to an hour late. Flexibility is the key!

Lynn Grantz ITA TEFL Course Instructor
Teach English Abroad Lynn Grantz
TEFL Lynn Grantz

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