Where Do Schools Provide Free Housing for Teaching English Abroad?

Are there any teach abroad programs that pay for housing? Learn which countries provide free accommodation while you are teaching English abroad.

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More than a quarter of a million native English speakers are employed to teach English abroad every year. In many cases, those teaching English overseas will be hired locally and paid by the hour without receiving major benefits like free housing and airfare, though they do typically make enough to live a comfortable middle-class lifestyle. 

However, there are some countries, including some of the largest job markets in the world for teaching English abroad, where it is common or even routine for schools to provide English teachers with free housing as part of their contracts. Let's explore this further.

Where to Teaching Jobs Abroad with Accommodation

Does TEFL Provide Accommodation?

While this isn't always the case, there are many TEFL positions around the globe, including in popular TEFL countries such as South Korea and Japan, where English language schools provide free housing or a stipend to use towards housing for their teachers. 

Countries with Free Housing for English Teachers

China Free Housing or Housing Subsidy
Japan Some free housing or housing subsidy
Kazakhstan Some Free Housing
Kyrgyzstan Some Free Housing
South Korea Free Housing or Housing Subsidy
Georgia Housing provided by TLG program
Russia Some Free Housing
Turkey Some free housing or housing subsidy
Ukraine Some Free Housing
Bahrain Free Housing or Housing Subsidy
Kuwait Free Housing or Housing Subsidy
Oman Free Housing or Housing Subsidy
Qatar Free Housing or Housing Subsidy
Saudi Arabia Free Housing or Housing Subsidy
Turkey Some free housing or housing subsidy
UAE (including Dubai & Abu Dhabi) Free Housing or Housing Subsidy


In certain countries in Asia like South Korea, China and in Persian Gulf Countries in the Middle East including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E., including Dubai and Abu Dhabi), it is standard that schools provide furnished housing to foreign English teachers. In fact, many schools have contracts with or even own their own apartment complexes to house their teachers.

Read more: Will My School Provide Free Housing When I Teach English in Korea?

In rare cases in countries like Egypt, Iraq, and Kazakhstan, English teachers may be provided with free housing or a housing stipend.

Central & South America: It is not very common for schools in these countries to provide TEFL jobs with accommodation or stipends to foreign English teachers, though there may be very rare exceptions (including volunteer programs & some public school programs).

Teach Abroad Programs that Pay for Housing

Some government-run programs that employ foreign English teachers to work in state-run (i.e. public) schools in countries like South Korea typically provide free accommodation as part of your teaching agreement (typically a studio apartment).


In Japan, those teaching in public schools may receive free housing or a stipend for housing. However, this will vary from school to school and region to region.  Some other government programs in developing countries such as the Georgia Ministry of Education program, provide English teachers from abroad with homestays with a local family for the duration of their contract. 

Free Housing for Teachers at Summer Camps

Most English teachers who work at summer camps in Asia and Europe are provided free room and board, plus a modest stipend.

Free housing for teaching English abroad TEFL


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