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including digital nomad and job placement bundles.
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We believe in meaningful TEFL & meaningful travel
ITA's TEFL Certification is recognized
by employers worldwide and at the highest level
Tremendous support. Stellar academics.
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ITA was named #1 TEFL Organization &
#1 Online TEFL Course 6 years in a row
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Mon-Fri: 9am-5:30pm CT
Sat-Sun: Closed
Upcoming Holiday Closure: 11/28, 11/29
From the moment you complete your enrollment in a TEFL Certification course with International TEFL Academy, the Student Affairs Department will be your main point of contact for all things related to your TEFL course and job search overseas.
NOTE: The following services and access to the resources & guidance of our Student Affairs Department are strictly reserved for enrolled International TEFL Academy students who have paid their tuition & have submitted all appropriate enrollment documents.
NOTE: Upon enrollment you will not be put in touch with you onsite course until your Registration Form & Terms & Conditions have been signed (click the links to sign the documents electronically).
Founded in 2010, International TEFL Academy (ITA) is a world leader in TEFL certification for teaching English abroad and teaching English online. ITA offers accredited TEFL certification classes online and in 20+ locations worldwide and has received multiple awards and widespread recognition as one of the best TEFL schools in the world. ITA provides all students and graduates with lifetime job search guidance and has certified more than 40,000 English teachers. Our graduates are currently teaching in 80 countries worldwide.
Not an ITA student or graduate? Call us at 773-634-9900 or Fill out a Contact Form
You will speak with an Expert Advisor who will answer all of your questions about teaching English abroad, online & TEFL certification.
As an enrolled student, you can always make an appointment with an advisor to help you with your job search. Before making an appointment, please read through the Job Search Guidance Manual. You should receive a link for the manual from your initial admissions advisor or in an email from the Student Affairs Department following your enrollment.
Read more: ITA's Job Search Guidance
NOTE: Upon enrollment you will not receive Job Search Guidance until your Registration Form & Terms & Conditions have been submitted (click the links to sign the documents electronically).
If you are on a payment plan for your ONLINE COURSE, you are not eligible to receive Job Search Guidance until your tuition balance has been completely paid off.
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Access ITA's Online TEFL Course here! Access coursework, videos, calendar, syllabus, webinar schedules & more.
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Access ITA's exclusive alumni portal for everything job search-related, and much more.
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Official textbooks for International TEFL Academy's classes in Chicago, Costa Rica, Barcelona, and for the Online TEFL Course. Other TEFL class locations have different course books. Please contact your onsite course director for additional information about ordering textbooks for your class.
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Read hundreds more interviews & articles from ITA Alumni teaching English around the world.
Chicago TEFL Course Grad
The course was brutal, but I couldn't possibly mean that in a more positive way. It taught me how to lesson plan and prepare like a teacher, handle the stress of being a teacher, and helped me to break out of my shell and improve my public speaking skills. After the class, I felt extremely confident that I can handle whatever comes my way in my teaching career.
Barcelona TEFL Course Grad
The course was great! It covered all the aspects of teaching, and I have seen how it has translated directly into my teaching. Spain is the best! Amazing, really. I love it. I had never left the country before so this was a whole new experience.
Heredia TEFL Course Grad
The course was amazing. Luke and Melanie are tenured vets at teaching, and they passed on a lot of wisdom. I learned SO much in those four short weeks. I can't believe how much information they fit into that small amount of time. It was a lot of work, but it paid off. I literally use their methods in my current ESL classes.
Named best U.S. TEFL Course
Named best Online TEFL class
Rating from 1,000+ Reviews
Alumni Network Worldwide
6,000+ certified students a year & graduates in 80+ countries
4311 N Ravenswood Avenue
Suite 100, Chicago, IL 60613
Local 773-634-9900
U.K. +44 (0) 2045 402 099
Copyright © 2025 International TEFL Academy
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