What are the Requirements to Teach English in Morocco?
Learn what qualifications you need to teach English in Morocco, including education, citizenship, visa, and age requirements.
Written By: John Bentley | Updated: June 29, 2023
Written By: John Bentley
Updated: June 29, 2023

Located at the crossroads of Africa, Europe & the Arab World, Morocco has been a center of commerce and culture for more than 2,000 years. With its colorful cities, sparkling coastlines, and stunning mountainous landscapes, this ancient North African nation offers a wide variety of opportunities and experiences. Also despite its deep connections to France and long history of French serving as the nation's second language, Morocco has emerged as a popular destination for teaching English abroad.
If you are considering teaching English in Morocco, you must ensure you meet the following qualifications.
What Qualifications Do You Need to Become an English Teacher in Morocco?
To teach English in Morocco, you will need a TEFL certificate and a 4-year college degree in any field. Native English proficiency is also expected to find a TEFL job. The baseline average salary for a first-time English teacher in Morocco is about $500 - $1,000 USD per month.
Requirements for Teaching English in Morocco
Now let's look at the following requirements to teach English in Morocco in detail:
Hold a TEFL certification
Have a Bachelor's degree in any field/major
Be a fluent English speaker
Meet the age requirement (preferred)
Possess a valid passport and work permit
Be financially prepared for start-up costs
Let's expand on each of these Morocco ESL teaching requirements and qualifications below:
1. Hold a TEFL Certification
A TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) certification is required to teach English in Morocco. Getting TEFL certified will provide you with the relevant training and qualifications you need to get hired by a reputable school in Morocco and should leave you feeling confident in your abilities to provide ESL lessons to your students.
Which TEFL Course is Right for Me?
English teaching job interviews in Morocco can be conducted both in advance from your home country or on the ground, in person.
A popular option is ITA's 170-Hour Online TEFL Course which you can take online from home. This award-winning course is part-time, so you can take it while going to school or working full-time, so you can work and save some extra money in anticipation of your departure to Morocco.
You may also consider taking a four-week TEFL course in person and then traveling to Morocco to interview and begin teaching.
- Check out the Full Index of TEFL Courses. ITA offers intensive and part-time fully accredited TEFL courses online and four-week in-person TEFL courses in 20+ locations worldwide.
- All ITA students & graduates receive lifetime Job Search Guidance to teach English in Morocco & 80 nations worldwide.
2. Have a Bachelor's Degree in Any Field/Major
Can You Teach English in Morocco Without a Degree?
A bachelor's degree is typically required to teach English in Morocco. Your bachelor's degree does not need to be in education, it can be in any field (i.e.: Marketing, Psychology, Arts, etc). Any four-year diploma or bachelor's degree from an accredited university will satisfy this requirement (or three years if you studied in the UK, Australia, or New Zealand).
NOTE: You may encounter anecdotal examples of folks teaching without a degree, but remember these are exceptions and that government regulations specify that foreign teachers need a university degree to obtain a work visa.
Prior Teaching Experience
While prior teaching experience can help you stand out on your resume, you do not need it to teach English in Morocco. Your TEFL certification training will provide you with the relevant qualifications you need to get hired by a school in Morocco.
Any reputable TEFL certification course should include a mandatory practicum component to help gain firsthand experience practice teaching with real non-native English speakers. This will prepare you for the classroom and leave you feeling confident in your ability to deliver well-structured ESL lessons to your students. This practice teaching can count as teaching experience and should be highlighted on your resume.
3. Be a Fluent English Speaker
You do not need to be a native English speaker to teach English in Morocco. However, non-natives will be expected to be fluent in English and speak at a native level.
4. Meet the Age Requirement
The Department of labor will not issue work permits to teachers over the age of 60. You can read more about work permits for Morocco on the Department of Labor’s website. Because of this, schools may be hesitant to sponsor work visas for teachers nearing or at this age range.
5. Possess a Valid Passport and Visa
You will need a valid passport to enter and work as an English teacher in Morocco. If your passport is scheduled to expire within six months of your planned arrival in Morocco, it is recommended that you renew your passport before your departure.
What Type of Visa or Work Permit Will I Need to Teach English in Morocco?
Most foreign English teachers in Morocco will arrive in the country on a 90-day tourist visa, and then interview for positions locally. Once you gain employment, you will transition to a work permit.
If you find a job in advance of being in Morocco your work permit should be processed before moving to Morocco. Your employer should provide you with the necessary guidance and relevant documents to assist you with this process.
However, if you are already in Morocco - which is typical since most schools recruit and interview locally - you should be able to apply for a work permit with the help of your school. This is typically completed in Rabat, even if you are teaching outside of the city. You will need your college diploma, work contract, criminal background check, and TEFL Certificate to obtain a work permit. Consult with your school on any other documents you may need. The Department of labor will not issue work permits to teachers over the age of 60. You can read more about work permits for Morocco on the Department of Labor’s website.
6. Be Financially Prepared for Start-up Costs
The cost of living in Morocco is relatively low ($1000 - $1500 a month) and salaries ($500 - $1000 a month) for first-time ESL teachers are modest. English teachers typically live comfortably on what they earn, but financial planning is still imperative to prepare you for success.
Remember, even if you have an English teaching job lined up in advance, nobody will hand you a paycheck when you arrive in Morocco. Given that most English teachers will interview and apply for jobs upon arrival, you will need to cover 1-2 months of living expenses ($2000 - $3000 on the safe side) until you start working and getting paid. You will also need to cover your airfare from your home country to Morocco.
Read more about Start-up Costs for Teaching English Abroad.
Additional Information
No Physical Requirements
A health screening and/or drug test are not required to teach English in Morocco. However, individual employers may have their own specific requirements on these matters.
Posted In: Teach English in Morocco, Teach English in Middle East, Teach English in Morocco Must Read
John Bentley
Co-Founder at International TEFL Academy
John Bentley is Co-Founder & Senior Writer for International TEFL Academy (ITA), the world leader in TEFL certification for teaching English abroad. A graduate of Harvard University and the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern, John is a recognized expert in the field of TEFL. His articles have appeared across the field's top websites, including GoAbroad.com, StudyAbroad.com, InterExchange, GoOverseas.com, Adventure Teaching, & many others. He has also spoken as an expert on Teaching English Abroad & TEFL certification at major conferences like MeetPlanGo and Lessons from Abroad (LFA) in Portland & San Diego.
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