Do Certified Teachers Need a TEFL Certification to Teach English Abroad?
ITA advisor and former Chicago Public School teacher Mike helps you understand the benefit of earning a TEFL certification even if you're an experienced teacher with an education degree.
Written By: Michael Kunik | Updated: June 29, 2023
Written By: Michael Kunik
Updated: June 29, 2023

I am a Certified Teacher with an Education Degree - Do I Still Need a TEFL Certification to Get a Teaching Job Overseas?
I often get this question when speaking with certified teachers who wish to teach English abroad, and for good reason. Personally, I have a Master’s Degree in Education, and I am a former Elementary and Special Education teacher in Chicago Public Schools. I also earned my TEFL certification and taught English in Madrid, Spain, one of the great experiences of my life.
English Teaching Jobs Overseas for Certified Teachers
Schools around the world seeking to hire English teachers highly value training and experience. So, can you get a job without a TEFL certification? Possibly. Do I still highly recommend that you do become TEFL certified to teach English abroad? Absolutely!
Read more: What are the requirements for teaching English abroad?
Let's start with a few commonly asked questions:
Do I Need to Be State Certified to Teach English Abroad?
You don't need to be a state certified teacher to teach English abroad. However, if you're a certified teacher looking to teach English abroad, you should get a TEFL certification. A TEFL certificate will prepare you for the unique challenges of teaching English as a foreign language.
Do I Need TEFL if I Have a Teaching Degree?
Having a TEFL/TESOL certification is almost always listed as a requirement for English teaching jobs online and abroad, even if you are an experienced teacher. Therefore, it is highly recommended to include this qualification on your resume to catch the attention of employers and show that you have been specifically trained for teaching English in a foreign country.
Watch International TEFL Academy (ITA) graduate Alicia, a Chicago Public School certified teacher who decided to get her TEFL certification with ITA:
Now let's look at why I highly recommend you get TEFL certified to teach English abroad, even if you're an experienced teacher:
1. An Accredited TEFL Certification will Qualify You for Teaching Abroad Programs for Certified Teachers
Globally, teacher training programs can vary considerably, but the majority of English schools and language institutes overseas will require, or strongly prefer their teacher candidates to possess an internationally recognized TEFL Certification. In many cases, it is just a standard requirement, and you will qualify for more jobs and better jobs with a TEFL certification. It's that simple. In some cases, you will also qualify for a higher salary.
You may possess advanced degrees and endorsements - even an ESL endorsement - but that doesn't mean that school directors in Madrid, Istanbul or Tokyo will recognize such credentials, or even know what they are. But they do recognize and are familiar with TEFL certification.
When looking at teaching abroad programs for certified teachers, know this: Possessing an internationally recognized qualification and training, combined with your highly valued classroom experience and credentials, will make you an excellent candidate for the most highly desired, and competitive jobs available around the world. Not having a TEFL credential may very realistically result in your application getting lost in the shuffle with lesser qualified candidates.
You Will also be Better Prepared for Job Interviews
During many interviews for English teaching jobs, potential employers will ask specific questions relating to teaching practices, classroom management, and lesson planning in the context of teaching English as a foreign language. If you are unable to articulate an in-depth knowledge of TEFL-related terminology and concepts, you will lose out on job opportunities to others who don't possess nearly the same qualifications or experience that you do.
2. Gain Critical Skills Specifically in the Field of Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Teaching English as a foreign language is like any field such as physics, history or mathematics in that it requires a particular skill set and knowledge. You can teach university physics, high school math or 5th-grade language arts for 20 years, but that doesn't mean you are prepared to teach comma usage to Spanish businessmen or ready to manage a classroom of 20 South Korean 4th graders.
Taking an accredited TEFL course ensures that you will also have explicitly developed the skills of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in areas like:
- Teaching methodologies and practices for teaching skills like grammar, reading, writing and conversation;
- Lesson planning & development;
- Classroom management skills & engaging non-English speakers;
- Error correction;
- Visual aids & technology;
- Grammar & Lexis;
Also, a quality TEFL course will also incorporate live practice teaching (practicum) with actual ESL students to provide you with hands-on experience.
BOTTOM LINE: You will be a far more successful teacher and enjoy a far more rewarding experience as an English teacher if you gain the skills and knowledge covered by an accredited TEFL class. As a trained teacher, you understand that preparation is a critical ingredient to providing your students with a quality educational experience.
* Take a look at the ITA course syllabus for more information on what you will learn.
3. Have You Considered Job Placement Assistance?
So, do you want to teach English in Spain, Japan, or perhaps Argentina? Fantastic! There are hundreds of thousands of teaching jobs overseas for certified teachers that open each year that you will qualify for, particularly if you do earn an accredited TEFL certification. But if you were to kick off your job search today:
- Would you know how, when or where to look for teaching opportunities?
- Do you know the correct hiring seasons & procedures for individual job markets?
- Do you know which recruiters have the best reputations, and which ones should not be trusted?
- Are you aware of which documents, including criminal background checks, you need for visas and work permits in particular countries?
- Are you aware of where you can interview for jobs in advance from home, and which countries require that you go to interview in person?
The ins and outs of navigating international job markets for teaching English abroad can be complex and confusing, and the process will vary from country to country. But, a quality TEFL certification provider will provide comprehensive free job search guidance to help you get a top-tier job in the country where you want to teach.
At International TEFL Academy, all students and graduates receive free, lifetime Job Search Guidance, which includes:
- Personal guidance from an experienced Job Search Advisor
- Comprehensive 350+ page job search manual detailing all aspects of the hiring process and job markets worldwide
- Contact information for more than 20,000 schools and language institutes around the globe
- Referrals to preferred recruiters, placement agencies, and language schools
- Job interview assistance and international resume and cover letter development
- Listings of hundreds of ESL job boards and other useful online resources
- Exclusive opportunities to network on social media and correspond with thousands of International TEFL Academy alumni teaching in more than 50 countries worldwide.
These services are valid for a lifetime, so once you've taken your TEFL course, you have access to them whenever you wish to go abroad in the future. International TEFL Academy trains more than 3,500 people a year, many of whom possess a background in education. Virtually all of them can gain employment precisely because they do receive the resources and guidance they need actually to make it happen.
As I mentioned before, if you are already a certified teacher with classroom experience, you are going to be a superb candidate for teaching positions abroad. Your experience managing a classroom, lesson planning, communicating with colleagues/parents, and assessing learners will be invaluable in your job hunt, and eventual position overseas. But, not all English teaching jobs are the same, and each TEFL market has its unique guidelines that you will need to be aware of when applying for work within them.
4. Boost Your Resume & Build Skills for the Future
As a teacher, I know how important it is to be able to work with students from diverse backgrounds, including English Language Learners (ELLs). Even if you are not currently working in a classroom with ELLs, you can just about bet your bottom dollar that you will one day. Having targeted TEFL training focusing on language methodologies, grammar, phonetics, intonation, pronunciation, and vocabulary will only make you a more skilled educator and will have a positive impact on all of your students.
Consider your TEFL certification like a continuing education class that is equivalent to 6 credit hours at a major university. It is an investment in your skills that will enable you to teach English virtually anywhere in the world. Some districts may even accept your TEFL training as part of your professional development requirements (Check with your individual district).
I think of my TEFL Certification as an endorsement to my teaching degree, similar to my endorsements to teach Middle School English and Social Sciences in my home country. Your TEFL Certification, as well as your experience teaching abroad, will look great on your resume, and I keep my TEFL certification at the top of my C.V., right along with my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees.
Final Takeaway:
Being a certified teacher is something you should be very proud of, as it means that you possess a unique skill set and a passion for making a difference in people’s lives. Earning a TEFL certification will only enhance your tools as a teacher, and will ensure that you are as marketable as you can be when applying for English teaching positions overseas.
Also, being a graduate of ITA will give you access to our lifetime job guidance and a network of English teachers around the globe. You will qualify for the most competitive jobs abroad, and we will be there every step of the way to make sure that you have all the tools you’ll need to be successful in securing those positions.
Posted In: TEFL Certification
Michael Kunik
A Michigan native, Michael has more than 10 years of experience working in education, both teaching English abroad in Spain and teaching in the Chicago public school system. Michael holds a Master's Degree in Education from DePaul University and is one of ITA's most senior advisors, who has also published numerous articles about various aspects of TEFL. When asked about his experience in Spain, Michael invariably states that after marrying his wife, teaching abroad is the best decision he has ever made.
Want to Learn More About Teaching English Abroad & Online?
Request a free brochure or call 773-634-9900 to speak with an expert advisor about all aspects of TEFL certification and teaching English abroad or online, including the hiring process, salaries, visas, TEFL class options, job placement assistance and more.