What Are The Advantages of Online TEFL Courses Compared to In-Person Courses?
Written By: International TEFL Academy | Updated: January 10, 2024
Written By: International TEFL Academy
Updated: January 10, 2024

7 Advantages of Taking Your TEFL Class Online
- Tuition for a four-week in-person TEFL course anywhere in the world will typically cost $ 1,599 to $ 2,499 ($ 1,899 on average) depending on location. Tuition for the ITA 170-hour online course is $1,599 so you will save $ 500 – $ 700 on the online TEFL Class compared to an onsite TEFL Class on tuition alone.
- In addition, unless you are taking a course in-person in your home city, you will also need to pay for housing, food and expenses, which usually run $ 800 - $ 1,500 for a month depending on where you are taking your course.
This means that taking the International TEFL Academy online TEFL certification course will typically save you $ 2,000 - $3,000 compared to an equivalent four-week onsite course. That is money you can use to travel and for start-up costs such as airfare to the country where you plan to work and to support yourself until you begin to get paid.
Explore: What are my TEFL options?
2. Work full-time at your current job or attend college while taking Online TEFL Course:
The course is part-time (will take 10-15 hours a week of your time) and it is not taught in real-time so you do not have to log into the course when you need to be at work or school.
3. Flexibility to apply and interview for teaching positions in a variety of countries and regions around the world:
Because you will receive Job Search Guidance during the class that will provide you with job listings and contacts for schools and recruiters all over the the world, you will be able to apply for jobs in multiple countries and multiple regions while taking the International TEFL Academy online TEFL certification course. In other words, you are not limited to applying for job opportunities in a particular country or region.
4. Interviewing in advance over the phone:
Taking the International TEFL Academy online TEFL certification course is ideal when you are planning to interview for jobs in the Middle East and in major Asian markets like Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China, because you will interview for these jobs from home anyway. There are also some countries in Europe where you can apply for jobs in advance from home, including Russia, Turkey and some other countries in Eastern and Central Europe.
5. Start your job search while you are taking your online TEFL class:
You will receive Job Search Guidance and can begin the job search and interview process during the course. In fact, it is very common for students to line up teaching jobs before their course is completed.
6. More hours of training makes you more marketable on the international job market for English teachers:
Most onsite courses provide a 120 hour certification incorporating 100 hours of training and 6-20 hours of practicum (practice teaching and observation). The International TEFL Academy 170 hour online course offers an opportunity incorporates 50% more hours of training and if you take the optional training for teaching English to business professionals and young learners, you will earn a 200 hour certification. This will all be noted on your actual certificate and will make you more attractive to potential employers.
7. Our accredited online TEFL Certification exceeds standards recognized by thousands of schools and language institutes around the globe:
- 100 hours of coursework is the industry standard – this online course incorporates 150 hours.
- Student teaching: 6 hours is the minimum standard – ITA online course requires 20 hours of student teaching and observation.
- Instructors: This course is taught by highly experienced university-level instructors with advanced degrees in the field and years of experience.
This curriculum is internationally accredited and meets standards recognized by accrediting bodies and thousands of language schools worldwide. Students who have taken this course have gained employment in all of the major job markets for English teachers around the world, including dozens of countries in Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.
Read more about accreditation for International TEFL Academy TEFL courses here.
- Learn more about which type of TEFL certification you need to be properly trained and certified to teach English abroad by reading our article 7 Key Tips to Evaluate a TEFL / TESOL Training School.
- To learn more about completing your practicum for your ITA online TEFL certification course, check out How will I complete the TEFL practicum for the International TEFL Academy 170 hour online TEFL certification course?
Read further: Is TEFL hard to pass?
Posted In: TEFL Certification, TEFL Certification Online
International TEFL Academy
Founded in 2010, International TEFL Academy is a world leader in TEFL certification for teaching English abroad & teaching English online. ITA offers accredited TEFL certification courses online & in 20+ locations worldwide and has received multiple awards & widespread recognition as one of the best TEFL schools in the world. ITA provides all students and graduates with lifetime job search guidance. ITA has certified more than 40,000 English teachers and our graduates are currently teaching in 80 countries worldwide.
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