Everything you need to know to get a job teaching English in Spain.

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About Teaching English in Spain

To teach English in Spain, you will need a TEFL certificate and a 4-year college degree is not required but is strongly preferred. You must be a native English speaker as well. The average salary for an English teacher in Spain is about $800 - $1,500 USD per month.

Spain is one of the most popular locations in Europe and the world for teaching English abroad. Spain also represents one of the strongest job markets in Europe. 

ITA's Top Teaching English in Spain Insights:

  • At this time, a little over 10 million people (22% of the country) speak English in Spain, based on a report from the English Language study site History of English.
  • According to the 2023 EF English Proficiency Index, Spain ranks 20th out of 27 in the European Union for English skills, meaning there is a lot of opportunity for advancement and teachers needed to make progress even though a slight improvement has occurred over the last decade.
  • A 2021 Eurostat Report highlighted that 99-100% of primary school students in Spain were learning English as a foreign language.
  • English teachers in Spain have a variety of options for finding work, this is one of the reasons why it's so popular among ITA graduates. From government and student visa programs to English summer camps and private tutoring in-person and online, TEFL Spain job opportunities are available for the taking.
International TEFL Academy alumnus Chris Vergatos teaching English in Barcelona, Spain International TEFL Academy graduate Allen Tunstall private tutors English in Barcelona, Spain

The majority of English teachers find work in Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia. The peak hiring seasons are September to early October and January. So English teachers in Spain should be done with their TEFL course and ready to begin interviewing during one of those peak hiring seasons.

Important Note About The Job Market In Spain For Americans: At this time, the vast majority of non-EU citizens, including Americans and Canadians, teach English through government programs or on a student visa.

American & non-EU citizens who want to teach in Barcelona typically do so as independent contractors and private tutors. Please speak with your ITA Admissions Advisor to learn more and create your plan.

Read More: What You Need to Know Before Moving to Get a Job Teaching English in Spain [The Ultimate Super Cheatsheet].

How to Teach English in Spain: Requirements

TEFL Certification

A TEFL certification is required to teach English in Spain. You do not need professional teaching experience but earning your TEFL certification will provide you with the training and qualification you do need to get hired. 

Teachers typically interview in person in Spain, therefore, it is most common for students to take one of our TEFL course options listed below.

We also offer additional teach English in Spain programs in Madrid and Barcelona. See Student Visa Programs in Spain for further details.

ITA grad Salina Owens - Teaching English in Spain"I took the 11-Week Online TEFL Course in January of 2018. It was part-time and it was easy to complete one module a week over the span of 11 weeks. I had a great practicum experience also where I went to a community college down the road and completed my hours there."

- ITA alumna Salina Owens - Taught English in Madrid, Spain

Native English-Speaking Proficiency

You will need to be a native-English speaker to teach English in Spain. This means you must be a citizen from a recognized English-speaking nation: U.S., U.K., Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa.

Degree Requirements for Spain

While a bachelor's degree is not required to secure a job in Spain, it can still be strongly preferred by employers. If you do not have a degree, you should be prepared for a more competitive job search. 

Read More: What Are the Basic Requirements for Teaching English in Spain?

How to Become an English Teacher in Spain

TEFL jobs in Spain

There are several routes for teaching ESL in Spain:

Be sure to talk with your ITA Admissions Advisor about Spanish Government Programs and student visa programs, as the planning can take anywhere from 3-6 months.

ITA grad Lauren Turner - Teaching English in Spain"(As part of the Auxiliares de Conversacion Program) I work 12 hours a week and make 700 euros a month. This salary is enough to live off of, but I also give private classes at 15€/hr as a supplement to be able to save more. I work at two public primary schools, teaching students from 6-12 years old. My role at the school is a language assistant, so I work alongside a head teacher and focus mainly on speaking skills."

- ITA alumna Lauren Turner - Taught English in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Finding English teaching jobs in Spain: Hiring & Visa

The best time to find English teaching jobs in Spain is in September or early October, and then again in January. English teachers in Spain will be expected to interview in person once they arrive in Spain, and they will also be responsible for their airfare and housing. Applicants for Government programs will apply in advance from home in Spring for positions beginning in Aug/Sept.

There are a variety of visa options for teachers in Spain. Spanish Government programs are extremely popular and will sponsor visas for non-European Union citizens. Most Americans & other non-EU citizens will also teach on a student visa. EU citizens can typically work legally in Spain, and Canadians may also be able to teach on a Working Holiday Visa

If you are interested in hands-on help with attaining your visa in Spain, International TEFL Academy now offers Spain Visa Programs in Barcelona and Madrid. Both of these city programs offer multiple options including onsite courses, so review which option might fit best for you and discuss with an ITA advisor.

Teaching in Spain: Hours & Students

Schools in Spain typically offer 20-25 hours per week of work, leaving you plenty of opportunities to travel and explore. If you teach English online or private tutor outside of this, it will be up to you how many additional hours you take on each week.

It is common that your students will be school-aged children in summer camps and public schools. It is not uncommon, however, to private tutor both children and adults or even business professionals at their place of work.

TEFL Spain Salary & Cost of Living

An Inside Look at ITA alum Rhea Baliwala's Budget in Madrid, Spain

ITA grad Rhea Baliwala - Teaching English in Spain reviewMy Monthly Expenses

  • Rent: 450 euros ($480 USD)
  • Groceries/Food: 300 euros ($320 USD)
  • Social Activities: 200 euros ($215 USD)
  • Transportation: 55 euros ($60 USD) - it would be 20 euros if you're under 26
  • Phone: 10 euros ($11 USD)

Enough to Live Comfortably per Month: 1200 euros ($1275 USD)

Start-up Costs

Start-up costs should be enough to cover your first 6 weeks of living in Spain and will range somewhere between $1,700 and $2,850 USD for 6 weeks. These are expenses you will incur from your arrival in Spain until you receive your first paycheck and may include things like rent, apartment supplies, transport, groceries, getting your new local cell phone number set up, etc. 

TEFL in Spain Salary

A solid hourly wage enables English teachers in Spain to live a comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle. English teachers in Spain can expect to make roughly $800 - $ 1,500 USD (€700 - 1,300) per month. 

There are no flight or housing benefits/stipends provided so you will need to remember to account for accommodation or temporary housing for your first few weeks in your start-up costs until you find an apartment to rent. 

Read more: How much can English teachers make in Spain?

Cost of Living & Savings

The cost of living typically ranges between $500-$1,000 USD per month (€450 - 900). 

English teachers in Spain can expect to break-even month over month. This means you can cover your rent and bills, support yourself, live comfortably, and enjoy your life abroad to the fullest, but you shouldn't expect to save money at the end of the month. If you are hustling and taking on private tutoring lessons and/or teaching English online in addition to your regular teaching schedule, you may increase your ability to save.


What Does Teaching in Spain Look Like?

Hear from the experts! Watch ITA's Teaching English in Spain webinar for our most up-to-date information on teaching English in this amazing country. 

Visit our Video Library to watch day in the life videos from our alumni and get a glimpse into what your life as an English teacher in Spain could look like!


Teaching English in Spain FAQs

What qualifications do I need to teach English in Spain?

To teach English in Spain, make sure you understand what is and is not required:


  • A TEFL certification
  • Understanding of the visa laws and common practices
  • Understanding of the types of English teaching jobs that are available
  • Savings for start-up costs

Not Required:

  • A four-year college degree is not required, although it can still be strongly preferred by employers

Read More: What Are the Basic Requirements for Teaching English in Spain?

What type of visa can I use to teach English in Spain?

The type of visa you will use to teach English in Spain will depend on your nationality and perhaps other factors. Research is extremely important when deciding on which type of visa one will get and you should speak to a TEFL Advisor to discuss your specific questions and concerns. 

The following are the most common types of visas that can be obtained for Spain:


ITA offers Student Visa Programs in Barcelona & Madrid that enable students from all ITA TEFL classes who are US & other non-EU citizens to study Spanish. This student visa also allows teachers to work legally in Spain and teach English full-time. Citizens of EU nations don't typically need a visa to teach in Spain.

Student Visa Programs are right for you if you're looking for a legal way to teach in Barcelona or Madrid, and they are also great options if you're passionate about learning Spanish.

Read More: How to Apply for a Student Visa to Legally Teach English in Spain


It’s uncommon for English language schools in Spain to sponsor work visas for North American English teachers, so Spanish Government-sponsored or approved programs are realistic alternatives.

The Cultural Ambassadors Program is one of the most popular avenues for ITA graduates teaching English in Spain. Each year, the Spanish Ministry of Education recruits more than 1,000 Americans & Canadians to work as assistant language teachers in elementary schools. Other popular Spanish Government Programs are listed on this chart.

Spanish Government Programs are right for you if you’re flexible on what city you want to live in, and if you prefer to line up your teaching job in advance.


This type of visa is very uncommon for non-EU English teachers to receive in Spain as you need an employer to sponsor you in order to obtain one. Work visas are only typically given to those teachers working in public schools through the Ministry of Education program or international schools.  


A working holiday visa is a permit that allows people with certain nationalities to legally work and sometimes study, in certain countries around the world (excluding Americans). 

Take a look at International TEFL Academy’s Working Holiday Visa Chart to see if you qualify. As of October 2016, citizens of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada may be eligible to work in Spain on a working holiday visa.

Read More: What Type of Visa Can I Use to Teach English in Spain?

What is the Cultural Ambassadors Program for teaching English in Spain?

Operated by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the Cultural Ambassadors Program recruits and places native English & French speakers from the U.S. & Canada as assistant language teachers in elementary and secondary schools throughout Spain. 

The program, which is also known as the North American Language and Culture Assistants Program- or the auxiliares de conversación (“conversation assistants”) in Spanish, recruits up to 2,500 Americans & Canadians to teach English (and in the case of some Canadians, French) in Spain each year. 

Cultural Ambassadors applications are evaluated based on a list of criteria that are indicative of a candidate’s potential for successful participation in the program:

  • U.S. or Canadian citizenship;
  • Academic Requirements: Hold a minimum of a BA or BS by the end of the academic year preceding the start of the program, be a junior or a senior, or have become a university graduate;
  • Demonstrative communicative skills in Spanish - the official program website states: "Official college transcripts, high school records, Spanish language certificates or others may be uploaded as extra proof of language competence."
  • Demonstrate that you are in Physical and Psychological Condition: you will be required to submit a medical form.

Read More: What is the Cultural Ambassadors Program for Teaching English in Spain? [Auxiliares de Conversacion]

Are there different government teaching programs in Spain other than the Cultural Ambassadors Program?

YES! There are several government teaching programs available in Spain other than the Cultural Ambassadors Program. 

These programs come with a student visa and each has different costs and requirements associated with them, so be sure to do your research to ensure you qualify. They include:

  • Meddeas - Language Assistant 
  • BEDA Program - Language Assistant
  • UCETAM - Language Assistant
  • UP International Education - Language Assistant
  • Conversa Spain - Language Assistant
  • Fulbright Spain - Teaching Assistant

Read More: Spain Government Programs Quick Guide

How do I find private English teaching work in Spain?

ITA alumna, Lauren O'Rourke, outlines the steps she took to find private teaching work in Barcelona, Spain. These steps consist of:

  • Joining a teaching community
  • Creating online ads to find students looking for English tutors
  • Drawing up contractual agreements to establish hours and pay
  • Referrals
  • Networking

Read More: How to Find Private English Teaching Work in Barcelona, Spain

How much do English teachers make in Spain?

First-time English teachers in Spain can make $800 - $ 1,500 USD (€700 - €1,300) monthly, depending on the job, experience, and location. Most starting teachers earn €10 - €15 hourly ($12- $17.50 USD) in private schools or giving private lessons. Benefits like housing & airfare are not provided.

Read More: How much money can I earn teaching English in Spain?

Can you teach English in Spain without a degree?

Yes, you can teach English in Spain without a degree, however many positions, including those through government programs like the Cultural Ambassadors, will require it. Expect to be more patient and persistent in your job search and be flexible about taking part-time positions and private students.

Download: Your Guide to Teaching English Abroad Without a Degree

Do you need to know Spanish to teach English in Spain?

No, you do not need to know Spanish to teach English in Spain. You will only speak English while teaching your students. However, some Spanish is highly preferred to teach in the government Cultural Ambassadors Program, and knowing some Spanish will help for marketing yourself as a private tutor.

Download: I Don’t Speak a Foreign Language – Can I Still Teach English Abroad?

Are English teachers in demand in Spain?

Yes! English language skills are in high demand for jobs throughout Spain and that means language schools and government education programs seek out TEFL-qualified English teachers. There are hundreds of language schools in every major city and every school needs qualified teachers.

What are school hours like in Spain?

Expect to spend 20-30 hours a week teaching and 10-12 hours prepping lessons. You may work a typical school day from 9 am to 5 pm (with a 2-hour break). However, because most jobs involve teaching working adults and giving private lessons, expect to work some hours in evenings or even weekends.

Is teaching English in Spain worth it?

If you want to experience all the history, culture, and cuisine that Spain has to offer, then teaching English is worth it as a viable means of getting paid to live and work in that beautiful country. You likely won’t get rich, but the experience of living in Spain will be worth it many times over.

Recommended TEFL Courses for Teaching English in Spain

Barcelona TEFL Class

What's included 👇

  • In-Person 4 Weeks, Full-Time
  • OFQUAL Level 5 Accreditation from TQUK
  • University-Level Instructors
  • Lifetime Job Search Guidance
  • 10-Hours Live Practice Teaching
  • Classes are capped at 12 students
  • Option to include Language Study & Student Visa as part of the Barcelona Student Visa Program

Madrid TEFL Class

What's included 👇

  • Hybrid with 2 Weeks In-Person Full-Time
  • Accredited by The International Accreditation of TESOL Qualifying Organizations (IATQuO) - Meets/Exceeds All Industry Accreditation Standards
  • University-Level Instructors
  • Lifetime Job Search Guidance
  • 6-Hours Live Practice Teaching
  • NON-E.U. Citizens must also enroll in the Madrid Student Visa Program to join this course

Online TEFL Class

What's included 👇

  • 170-Hour Online Certification
  • 11 Weeks Part-Time
  • OFQUAL Level 5 Accreditation from TQUK
  • Live Office Hours with Your Instructor
  • Peer-Participation with Classmates
  • Lifetime Job Search Guidance
  • 20-Hours Live Practice Teaching

Named best U.S. TEFL Course
Named best Online TEFL class


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Reviews From ITA Students Who Now Experience TEFL in Spain

Ken Patel

Teaches English in Spain

Ken Patel

I chose ITA primarily because of their huge and active alumni community which has been an invaluable source of information and encouragement throughout my experience - it was definitely a good choice. My plan was to work in a language academy in Spain but they didn't have enough hours so I picked up a job teaching English online to supplement my income. I really enjoyed this and I earned about 3x as much per hour after accounting for travel time, lesson prep, and corrections. At the end of the school term, I quit my academy job and switched to working online full time.

Brandi Nelson

Teaches English in Spain

Brandi Nelson

I chose International TEFL Academy because after my first conversation with an advisor I felt comfortable and at ease. The advisor was very patient and answered my many questions and hypotheticals. I felt that this was a place where I would get the support and guidance I would need to take the next step. My favorite part about living in Spain is that everyone is so laid back - they do their own thing and do what makes them happy. It really is a simple life compared to living in the States. It is by far the best decision I have ever made and it has completely changed my life!

Kellie Kaufmann

Teaches English in Spain

Kellie Kaufmann

I found other TEFL certifications that were cheaper but I still chose ITA because of their reputation and resources. One of my favorite things about ITA is that you have an assigned advisor. Changing careers and moving abroad was such a foreign concept for me... I had so many questions, I didn't know where to start. I scheduled multiple calls with my advisor and they answered all my questions - not just about the TEFL certification, but about the entire process of moving abroad. The support was worth spending the extra money and now I'm living my dream in Madrid!